Rules, Policies, & FAQs

Rules for the Students of the Albert H. Small Normandy Institute

As a member of the Albert H. Small Normandy Institute, you are expected to abide by the following rules:

  1. Complete assignments and participate in online and in-person discussion
  2. Students are expected to remain with teachers and Institute Staff in Washington, DC and in France
  3. No alcohol, drugs, tobacco or other smoking products are to be possessed or consumed at any point during the Institute. The US drinking age is in effect through the trip; students are not allowed to purchase, drink, or transport these substances at any time
  4. Make three public presentations about the Institute and the soldier researched by the team
  5. Provide the Institute with updated contact information following the end of the trip to remain in contact as part of the alumni group



How many teams are in a class?

The Institute accepts 15 teams per class.

Can teams have more than two members?

No. Teams are limited to one teacher and one student.

What students can apply?

Students must be sophomores or juniors at the time of application (rising juniors and rising seniors during the summer trip).

Can high school seniors apply?

Unfortunately, no. The Institute's program and projects are geared towards students returning to high school the next year.

What teachers can apply?

Most of the teachers in the program have recently worked with their student in high school. However, elementary and middle school teachers who have maintained a connection with a high school student are also eligible. While many teachers work in the field of history, teachers in fields other than history can apply.

Does everyone in a team need a passport to apply?

No. At the time of application, you do not need to have a passport. However, if selected, every member of a team must obtain one before traveling to France.

Can parent/child teams apply?

Yes. As long as the parent is a teacher and the student meets the grade level requirements, parent/child teams can apply together.